South East Ambrym’s Community Takes Initiative in Road Maintenance

In an inspiring display of community spirit, the people of South East Ambrym have taken it upon themselves to repair and maintain the roads connecting the village of Edu, Assie, Sameau, Pamal, Ulei, Toak, Benavu, Utas, and Betal to the main harbors of Taveak and Moru. These vital lifelines were significantly damaged over time due to heavy rains, leading to erosion and inaccessibility.

With little to no assistance from the Malampa provincial Government or the Vanuatu Government, the local communities rallied together, using manpower to restore these crucial paths. This self-help initiative highlights the resilience and determination of the South East Ambrym people in the face of adversity.

However, the task is arduous, and the need for mechanical aid is evident. The community is now appealing to aid donor partners for the donation of an excavator. Such equipment would greatly enhance their ability to maintain road conditions and ensure safe, reliable access.

As you prepare to view the images of the road post-maintenance, remember that they represent more than mere physical labor; they symbolize a community’s unyielding spirit and hope for external support in their endeavor to improve their living conditions.


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