Toak Community Embarks on Maritime Mobility Project: Leveraging Technology for Data Collection

In an ambitious stride towards enhancing maritime mobility, the Toak community in South East Ambrym has launched its first significant project. This initiative marks a crucial step in modernizing and improving maritime services, vital for a community where the sea is a lifeline.

The project’s initial phase involves collecting comprehensive statistics of the community members using Google Forms. This innovative approach simplifies data collection, making it more efficient and accurate. So far, the team has successfully gathered data from all villages in Toak, South East Ambrym, and members residing in Port Vila and Santo.

The data collection process is nearing completion, a testament to the community’s dedication and the effectiveness of using digital tools for community planning. This information is crucial for understanding the community’s needs and will directly influence the project’s future direction.

Once completed, the Maritime Mobility Project aims to enhance transportation and access to services for Toak’s residents. It’s not just about improving travel; it’s about connecting people, enabling better access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

This project serves as an inspiring model for other communities, demonstrating how technology can be effectively used to gather critical data that drives community-based projects.

The Toak community’s initiative in using Google Forms for data collection is a shining example of how technology can be adapted to meet the needs of community development. As they move towards completing this phase, the excitement and anticipation for the positive changes that the Maritime Mobility Project will bring are palpable.