Unyielding Spirit: South East Ambrym Communities Rally to Restore Vital Roadway

Photo credit: (Jojo Joshua)

In the aftermath of Cyclone Lola’s destruction, the communities of Edu and Assie in South East Ambrym have taken matters into their own hands, spearheading the restoration of the main road that serves as a crucial link to the region’s primary healthcare facility. This road, neglected for over a decade and last constructed in 1995, has suffered extensive damage due to consistent heavy rainfall, leaving 90 percent of it in disrepair.

The government’s minimal intervention over the years has compelled the locals to undertake this herculean task themselves. The community’s efforts are driven by the urgent necessity for a reliable thoroughfare, crucial for emergency medical services and the daily transit of goods and people.

Their endeavor not only exemplifies the resolute determination of the people of South East Ambrym but also underscores the pressing need for government support in infrastructure development. This initiative serves as a testament to the community’s resilience and self-reliance in the face of adversity, as they strive to rebuild what nature and time have eroded.


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